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Bespoke Chichester Kitchen painted in Snow

Kitchen description: Neptune Chichester Kitchen painted in Snow, with many bespoke elements

Worktops: Silestone Desert Silver with a polished finish

Details: Tiles & decorative elements by Original Style. Hardware sourced separately.


Orangerie by Westbury Garden Rooms in the UK.

With thanks to Irmina Serafin, photographer:

Neptune Chichester Kitchen
Neptune kitchen Switzerland
Neptune Chichester Kitchen Switzlerand

Client testimonial

‘The Beaumont experience was truly the best, from start to finish, of our Neptune Chichester kitchen. It was a very large project with demanding and creative solutions needed to make it work and the team pulled the challenge off wonderfully. They first listened carefully to our needs, proposed excellent ideas, advised us where not to go wrong and then went more than an extra mile in every step of the process from design to after sale; all this is what makes them so good. Today we have a gorgeous kitchen which is also ultra practical and we simply love it!’



Neptune Kitchen Snow
Neptune Kitchen Geneva

©2019 French Lily Cuisines et Intérieurs SARL t/a Beaumont Cuisines Intérieurs Design. All rights reserved.

SARL au capital social de 1000 euros. Siège social 2 rue de la Tour, 23240 Chamborand
Siret: 799205216 No TVA: FR21 799205216 - Conditions Générales

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